Saturday, March 30, 2024


Kildeers arrived from their cold weather habitats while it was still officially winter here in south-central Kentucky.
By February they were in evidence as I walked along the gravel lane that connects us to the main road.
They swooped low over our neighbor's cow pasture, alighting to strut along the verge of the lane uttering their distinctive cry, 'Peent, peent!'
Watching them I hoped  that avian wisdom would caution against eggs laid in weather that would surely drop below freezing.
During the past two weeks the warning cries of the kildeers have become more strident, their zig-zag flights more pronounced whenever I walk along the lane or in the adjoining meadow.

Friday as I walked along the freshly graveled portion of the lane, a kildeer flew up from the bank screaming frantically, doing the classic 'broken wing' maneuver in front of me.
Stepping cautiously along the stony edge of the bank I discovered the nest--if it can be called that--eggs deposited in a slight depression in the rough ground.

I fetched my simple camera from the house, trudged back to where the kildeer once again went into defensive display.
The nest contained four or five eggs, several of which were split open with baby birds motionless amidst the shattered shells. One egg had only a hairline crack. I suspected that the tiny birds were dead.

When I returned in the evening there was no sign of broken eggshells. One baby bird was on the ground, legs tucked under its body. I touched it ever so gently with one finger and it stirred.
Jim and I walked that way at about 6 Saturday evening. 
I had built a small cairn of light colored rocks to mark the place.
Several kildeers swooped about us, following us to the mailbox, but there was no frantic diversionary display or interest in the spot where the eggs had been.

No baby bird remained, there was nothing to indicate that the spot had been a nest site.
Standing quietly by the fence we observed the tiny birds scuttling around a tussock of grass at a little distance, while the adult kildeers circled nearby, vocalizing.

A google search informs that kildeers spend 22-28 days incubating their clutch of 4-6 eggs; kildeer chicks hatch fully feathered and as soon as the feathers dry they are ready to toddle about.
It is estimated that only 53-60 percent of the hatchlings fledge.

This is the second kildeer nest I've discovered here; kildeers apparently don't choose nesting spots with safety in mind. Their distinctive markings and behaviors make them an interesting addition to our rural landscape. Of my several efforts to zoom in on mother kildeer's protective antics, I'm pleased with the photo below.



  1. It looks a bit like a sort of Plover that we have here. Sounds like the nest is a bit of an afterthought! but they do the defensive draw-predator-away broken wing act very well.

    1. Jennie; I think kildeer are related to plovers, sandpipers and snipes--they all have the same body form and that distinctive way of scooting across the ground.

  2. You got a great picture of the Killdeer. A few years ago we were walking through the outdoor area of a nearby nursery and almost stepped on a nest of Killdeer eggs. To our surprise no adult bird in sight.

    1. G.M. The eggs seem very carelessly deposited; I would think many casualties might result. Snipes do similarly. Years ago in my native Vermont, my Katy-cat and I nearly stepped in a clutch of newly hatched babies while walking in the meadow.

  3. They are beautiful birds. Hopefully they nest again and have better results.

    1. Karen; This is such an early brood I would think that several 'families' could be raised during our long summers.

  4. I have never spotted any on our farm, but I do know their nests are not in good locations :(

    1. Michelle: I'm surprised to read that you don't have resident kildeers! They have been common in all the rural locations where I've lived. Our neighbor keeps about a dozen head of beef cattle; the kildeers roam his pasture.

  5. Interesting to think about the Kildeer nesting this early ( at least early for us here in Vermont). At our last farm we had multiple stone drainage swales that made perfect places for the Kildeer to lay their eggs. Lord, they were loud! Often waking us in the night with their cries. This farm is evidently not appealing to them and I can't say that I miss the racket. Heard my first Phoebe this morning! Spring beckons! On our drive home from New Mexico I was enthralled by the masses of Redbuds in full bloom along the interstates. And new to me, the existence of 'white' Redbuds. Also stunning. We are home just in time to hunker down for a Nor'easter due here tomorrow.

    1. Mundi; I would place the arrival of spring-like weather here at least 6-8 weeks ahead of my native southern Champlain Valley. Spring being the most reluctant of seasons to move in and stay, we are now having cold wind and temps predicted to drop into freezing for several nights.
      The kildeers do have piercing calls; What I miss here are the voices of red-winged blackbirds who don't seem to favor us.
      Redbud has been in bloom for nearly two weeks and dogwood blossoms starting to show. Both trees are such fragile non-descript specimens that quietly sink into the background after their burst of glory.
