Wednesday, September 3, 2014

As Summer Ends

Summer ends, in my mind at least, when the calendar
page is turned to September.
Our weather remains tiresomely hot and humid.
Rain over the weekend filled Big Creek which days before had been reduced to a mere trickle.
The air is so heavy with moisture that a bloom of mildew has appeared on the wood furniture in the basement room.  I have scrubbed  with a solution of vinegar in a little water with a slosh of tea tree oil added, dragged in the big fan and set it up downstairs.

The soybeans are enjoying the heat and moisture--planted a bit late in the season but thriving.

Red Knockout roses hang heavy with rain.

The venerable pear tree has produced a light crop this year.
It is not a season for fruit and berries--perhaps blighted and set back by the severe cold of January.

The daylilies have passed their season of exuberant bloom, but 
each day several still raise a vividly colored head.

Each autumn I grope for the correct names of the yellow flowers in the north field.
Coreopsis of some variety?

I should have brought some of these in and searched through my wildflower books for a match.
I was more concerned with protecting my camera from the drizzle.
Jim and our son Howard in about 9:30 PM on Tuesday completing the long haul across country.
I warned Jim that the two weeks of his absence had done the garden no good.
We went over today and he viewed the weeds with resignation, clumping through the damp clay soil to salvage a mess of okra, a few tomatoes, a nice haul of green peppers.
He hadn't much to say about my painting of the third bedroom at the other house.
I was quite fired up to defend my project--the room is the one I have claimed as a study, etc.
He was more interested in my other project--more about that in my next post.


  1. I'm glad to read they are back safe and sound, and hopefully will get your car running properly again, and Pebbles sorted if she escapes. Plus you get some help in the garden! Always welcome.

    1. Back safe and sound--and more tired than they wish to admit!

  2. I always feel September is the month fall starts too, even though it is still very hot and humid down here.

    I look forward to hearing about your project. What color did you paint the bedroom?

    Have a nice day and a great weekend ~ FlowerLady

    1. Rainey; the paint color is called 'Evening Sun'--a soft almost rosy yellow.

  3. Still very hot and humid down here too, but rain to make it worthwhile. I'm so ready for fall weather!

    1. Jan; I am very OVER summer--I feel that just maybe some of my energy will return if the weather changes!

  4. I'm never sad to see the Summer go as I don't like the heat, I much prefer Spring and Autumn.
    It is sad to see the trees turning and it seems like the Summer was over so quickly but I look forward to the crisp days to come.

    1. Briony; Autumn is my favorite season. I know summer is necessary for gardens, but the heat and humidity are very draining.

  5. I'm pleased you have claimed and decorated your room. Every woman needs her own creative space.
    It's very autumnal here, with mist that never lifts despite the sun battling through in the afternoons.

    1. Kath; Mist is heavy along the creek each morning--but it is a fretfully warm mist--and we are longing for cooler days.
      I'm beginning to imagine placing my favorite things in that room, making it my special spot in the house--but I am still dreading the upheaval of the actual move!

  6. It's sad to see the last of the flowers this time of year, but so nice to look forward to some cooler weather. Autumn is my favorite season with the brisk night air, still warm days and colorful leaves. Sounds like you are very busy with many projects - it's good to get things crossed off the list. Enjoy your weekend and I hope it cools down for you soon. xo Karen

  7. Karen; I'm hoping for a final burst of flowers this month--there is new growth on the phlox, achillea and salvia. The timing of the first frost is unpredictable--much as I hate to see the gardens blackened with that final chill, there is a sort of relief that comes when summer's hard work is over.
