Tuesday, March 19, 2024

A Blustery Arrival

The warm days of late February and early March have given way to a chilly first day of Spring.
Blue sky and bright sun, but a bitter wind held over from yesterday. 
I did walk two loops of the meadow path today--gave up yesterday after bending into the wind for a quick tramp around the lower path.

The early spring weather hastened the blooming of the hybrid magnolias, 'Susan' on the upper slope and 'Jane' below. Both were at the height of their beauty over the weekend. 
Monday's wind began to shatter the petals before overnight frost made limp brown shreds of the brilliant blooms. 
The fire-damaged magnolia at the west end of the property [site of a former owner's house] was slower to blossom. Walking around there late this afternoon I noted from a little distance the tree is still brilliant. Coming closer the frost blight is evident.
The wild daffodils that swept over roadsides and meadows in February are now also 'gone by.' They made a brave showing, bowing their bright yellow heads through cold rain, then standing firm and seeming to stretch upward when the sun returned.

Sunrise has moved back toward the east, outlining tree branches that while not in leaf have acquired a subtle nubby texture of buds.

A few yellow violets crouch in the damp that lingers on the slope of the lower path.

On warm afternoons I've puttered about in my flower gardens; clematis pruned; winter-dried stalks of coneflower, monarda and nepeta clipped. 
I made several attempts to tidy up the so-called rough strip of perennials along the driveway.
The soil is heavy, damp, cold. The mats of over-wintering weeds have flourished seeming to thrive on the bark mulch piled on every year. 
Hours of toil put my back out, but did almost nothing to improve the planting strip.
I fear it is time I come to terms with this situation which isn't likely to improve.

I moved several clumps of my seed-grown Michaelmas daisies into the rough strip--these were surplus plants stuck into the raised bin planters where they have grown sturdy. 
Last fall I grubbed out most of the goose-neck loosestrife which over-ran that section of the rough strip.  I think the asters can hold their own against any remaining roots of loosestrife. 
I'm planning more tubs for summer flowers by the front steps--what to do with my beloved perennials?
They may have to survive amongst the weeds with such tending as I can manage.
Hands and knees gardening is no longer an option!



  1. I dislike that getting older mainly goofs up what I want to do😓😓😓😓

    1. Anon; You've stated the case very well! I wonder if there are 'work-arounds?'

  2. Love your blog Sharon. Gina shared with me hope it’s ok. I’m in the same situation with my flower beds…..what to do? Deb H

    1. Deb; Your patio with the trees and the flower borders always looks serene and tidy. It could grace a magazine photo op! Flowers are a big part of my joy in life--not sure how I'm going to manage to have them without intense cultivating.
