Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Thank You!

Nellie, on a catnip high.

Thank you for your words of comfort re the passing of Nellie-cat.
He was a dear boy.
The love of animals is a common bond.



  1. As I've said many a time, I wish I was a neighbour of yours and could supply cake and comfort . . . That's a lovely photo of him.

    1. Jennie; Cake and comfort--being neighbors--would be lovely, wouldn't it? Your kindly words warm my heart.

  2. Losing our dear cats is always a heartbreaking business. I cried on and off for ages when my lovey Rupert died. I look at the remaining 4 and wonder who will be next. This lot will probably be my last cats and I dread losing them. I'm so sad for you.

    1. Briony; We seem to acquire cats in 'batches' so they are all of a similar age, meaning we lose them sometimes in quick succession. Your Rupert was a character, wasn't he! We go through this pain of missing our pets so many times, yet not having them would mean life is rather lonely.

  3. Such gorgeous eyes, and I know you must be missing them! I still miss all my sweet pets. They offer unconditional love - a rare and precious thing. I hope that soon you will be able to smile when you think of him, but I know it takes time. x K
