Thursday, May 19, 2022

Night Vision: Prowling the Dooryard on the Evening of Full Moon

'Strawberry Moon' rising over the east meadow.

Meanwhile, a colorful sunset in the west.

An 'impressionistic' view of foxglove at dusk.

Colors altered by the flash.

Standing above the wall, trying to be careful where I put my feet.

Leaves of Jackmanni dark against the fading sky.

An unnamed ground cover rose and hardy 'pinks' against the wall.




  1. Beautiful! The gardens are looking so nice!

    1. Karen; The look of the gardens changes almost daily--that is why I take so many photos.

  2. Lucky you to have so many foxgloves this year! The clematis is a real beauty!

    1. Mary; I've set out some of the foxglove seedlings potted up in late winter--I can never have too many. I wish I had room for more clematis.

  3. Lots to bring you pleasure there. I just noticed one of my cheap (from the supermarket) bought last year Clematis has flowered. Small flowers and creamy-yellow with a blush at the edge of the petal. Nice.

    I notice a couple of things didn't make it through the winter - annoying when they were £8 or more each! So, gaps to fill . . .

    1. Jennie; Clematis are fascinating in their variety of colors. I am especially intrigued by the shape of the buds--some long and pointy, others quite round. It is frustrating when a pricey plant doesn't thrive, while the less desirables invade.

  4. Dusk on a warm spring evening is magical but under a Strawberry moon….WOW. We’re just coming to the close of a 90+ degree day with humidity to match. The Redbuds and Viburnam have had ‘the vapors’ and every petal is brown on the ground. Our Dogwoods and lilacs are resisting the heat manfully and the Nannyberry is covered in white! I’ve given up of digitalis. Why it doesn’t do well here is a mystery that shall remain so. Edita is exceptionally lovely! Cheers!

    1. Mundi; How disappointing that you can't have foxglove--I'd think that Vermont's climate would suit them. I'm reminded that I've never been able to raise Lupins--none of the nursery varieties have lived and seeds gathered from roadside lupins in Maine and in Wyoming never germinated. Gardening has both rewards and frustrations and, of course, we are always at the mercy of unsuitable weather.

  5. This was pure pleasure! Thank you. Such a good idea for a post.

    1. Nan; Bloom time is so brief and flowers vulnerable to weather, so I'm out there filling my camera with photos to remember them by.
