Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Potting On

16 March
A few days prior to my March birthday a tantalizing package arrived bearing the Harry and David logo, a gift from my son and daughter-in-law.
In addition to a charming teapot, there was a miniature rose. It was in a 4 inch pot with spaghnum moss neatly tucked around the base of the plant.
It took several days for the plant to 'relax' and the buds to open after being removed from the plastic shipping sleeve. 

21 March
I could tell that the plant was becoming root bound, so gently removed it from the small pot.
As I teased the tangled roots loose from the soil I discovered the pot held three plants!

16 April
By mid-April I moved the roses onto the edge of the side porch.
During several frosty nights they were sheltered beneath a heavy bath towel.

1 May
Growing and thriving.

7 May
These black and gold plastic pots are worthy of the elegant mini-roses, as well as sturdy and affordable. I've never grown a miniature rose, so I'm delighted that thus far all three are thriving. 
I've placed them on one of the concrete steps that lead down the slope from the side porch. 
Not sure how I'll deal with them come winter, but I have plenty of time to think about that!


  1. I'd say that was a good birthday gift. I notice that you are only 1 day different to my Birthday, mine is the 15th March.

    1. Briony; My b-day is the 18th--my gift arrived early!

  2. It is always a treat to be able to divide a plant to have more. Enjoy your mini roses.

    Happy Spring ~ FlowerLady

    1. Rainey; In former gardens many of my plants were from divisions--passed along from other gardeners or carefully divided from something special I bought or grew from seed.

  3. Isn't it wonderful when you can divide a rose like that, and such a pretty color.

    1. Janet; Three plants in one pot was a happy surprise. The dark red is stunning.

  4. What a special gift! Lovely to have 3 in 1, too! xx Karen
