Early March and the first red buds on a maple.
First buds showing color on 'Jane' magnolia.
Two years ago I discovered this tiny clump of wild daffodils nestled at the edge of the south ravine, sheltered by a small understory beech. Although roadsides and meadow verges near us are strewn with daffs this is only the second small clump growing on our 20 acres.
A spread of daffodils along the ridge road. Each year new ones crowd the pavement.
I followed the progress of the magnolia blossoms through the burst of warm weather that moved in during the 2nd week of March.
We have noted the greening of the south-east meadow, the exuberant bloom of Bradford Pear trees around the county. They are brittle trees, and a stiff wind brings down their heavy branches. In past seasons I've admired a long avenue of them leading to a house set back from the main road; the trees were pollarded last autumn and stand this spring stark and stubby, devoid of bloom.
The tough-rooted mats of wild violets spread so profusely as to become nuisance plants. They cover the verges of the gravel lane, crowd into all the flower beds, run rampant in the mowed areas we call 'lawn.'
This spring the greenhouse floor is covered with them.
'Susan' [left] and 'Jane' [right] in all their spring glory on 18th March just before two days and nights of bitter winds swept through.
Clematis 'Candida' rushing the season--as usual.
27 F. at 7:30 this morning and the magnolias are frost-singed, their beauty spoiled.
There are still buds to open amongst the browning petals of the early bloom, but their season of glory was cut short.